I came to Mr. Wanek after struggling for two semesters through Statistics and Calculus. Luckily I met up with him after my second time taking the course at Nova Southeastern and my grade went from non-passing to a B. My writing skill is one of the factors that have contributed to my professional success.
At Advance Your Education, Inc. tutoring services and math tutoring, we want to insure your success. MOTIVATION: Behind every success story there is always one primary ingredient = MOTIVATION. Our classes will not only focus on knowledge and skill building, but also, self motivation management. REPETITION: Our instructors will emphasis not only passing the test, but long term retention and success through creative repetition.
The teachers that are employed by Advance Your Education, Inc. are all Professionally Certified Florida State Teachers. This also implies that our teachers have gone through extensive background checks at the state and federal level in order to be eligible for certification. Additionally, at the clients request, we will be able to provide the contact information of references and testimonials of previous clients.
Our experience has shown that ALL students can learn and are capable of educational achievement. We direct our instructional delivery to accomodate the student's learning process. This may mean we teach through stimulating the senses of touch, sight, and listening to enhance learning. We may also adapt the learning materials, the student-teacher interaction, the pacing, and/or expectations to meet the student's challenges.
Reviews (7)
Jun 09, 2017
Teresa Milan
Feb 05, 2017
Francisco Gonzalez
Nov 24, 2015
Manny Lopez
Feb 05, 2015
Michael helped my son out for two years to complete his high school homeschooling program. The results were above and beyond what I expected. He learned 4 times more than the average high school graduate and scored 1980 on the SAT. He was accepted to UF and I'm very proud of him and happy I found Advance Your Education, Inc.
Nicolas Fuentes
Jan 28, 2015
Michael Garcia
Dec 21, 2014
Isabel Gonzalez
May 27, 2014